As promised, here’s a little Chinese boy singing an approximate version of the ABCs for Nora.
Category Archives: Screening Room
Mom and I tried to get Nora to say “Shanghai” on camera, to no avail. She pretended to be very busy talking on the phone instead.
Then what DO you like?
I’m not sure why Nora will only be cute and chat her fool head off when the camera isn’t on.
This is in the park across from the Hong Kong temple.
How old are you?
Unfortunately, “done,” “Wall-E,” and “Woody” are not the answers to my question.
Who loves you?
This is the first joke Nora made up all by herself, and she thinks it’s hilarious.
Mom: “Who loves you?”
Nora: “Wall-E.”
It kills with the one-year-olds.
Some days, I just take a lot of photos. And videos.
1. Nora uses one of the few signs she knows to request that more photos be taken of her. Do not blame me, people.
2. More of Nora referring to her hair elastics as hats.
3. If your daughter said “Ca-Co” in such a cute way, you’d take a video of it and post it to the internet, too.
Nora’s shark costume in all its glory. Ah, Halloween.
I tend my friend Molly’s daughter Sabrina once a week, and Nora has a love-hate relationship with her. Here’s one of the nicer moments.
Nora just can’t understand why Sabrina won’t hold that book.
snap for the kids
Breakfast time is a noisy time. What, it’s not like that at your house?