Progress! (nursery edition)

You guys probably haven’t noticed (because I can’t imagine that anyone really cares), but I have been checking stuff off my before-the-baby-comes house list like crazy. Blake has been awesome, and Sarah and E have helped a ton as well. Thank goodness for tax refunds, too.
I took some (confusingly blurry) photos of Nora’s spruced-up room with her new bed and rug. I haven’t reassembled the crib yet to put in there, but we have measured everything out and the new furniture arrangement will fit the crib if we take out the rocker and the easel. I’m not sure if the magnitude of this discovery is clear, but our rooms are pretty tiny and I am VERY excited that it’s going to work to have the girls share the upstairs bedroom.
As a reminder, the before photos are here. It’s not so much a redecorating as it is a rearranging. Still, it means a lot of work and Nora is super excited about her big bed (and about her future roommate).

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